We decided to watch a movie last night. But didn't know what to watch, I recommended to watch 4Bia (Thai movie) but there is no midnight show. Very frustrating even I've watch that movie from DVD the other day in my friend's house. I really wanted them to experience the horror moment in 4Bia. It was damn scary!
Finally.. me, Zahir, Razman, Fuad, Ghazalie, Hanafi, Nazri, Mary and Azian decided to watch Ghost House, since this is a Thai movie, I really believe it will be a great horror movie. Since it was directed by the same director for Shutter and 4Bia, I really put my trust for the satisfaction for the Ghost House.
Met Tim having a drink in San Francisco Steakhouse and he decided to join us for the movie. While in the movie, I was non-stop eating my popcorn and sandwiches, Fuad was fallen asleep, Ghazalie and Nazri busy talking.. I hate watching movie with an interruption in between! Later, after the movie, most of them had expressed their dissatisfaction on the movie as it was not a horror movie instead it was a thriller movie.
As for me, I had my full satisfaction as I give my concentration to the movie and I understand the storyline. But I do have great time and it was fun to be around a bunch of friends. Well, this is the time you guys watch it and let me know! : )
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