It has been a very busy week at work again (for the pass few weeks now!).. even the occupancy is not that high, but there are a lot of works need to be done! :( I bet, I'm not the only one who felt the stresses here, same goes to my other colleagues.
I just couldn't understand why, why it was so busy this few weeks! And why my boss didn't realized that we had worked our bud off like hell!! The only thing he can do is, 'Wah, so busy huh??' and no action taken.. sad!
And I don't understand why, why all bosses had the same thinking.., why they can't work like we do? I don't understand!! How I wish I'm a millionaire now.. so I don't have to work and enjoy life.
I think I need a time break.. or I'm gonna explode soon.. :(
Tu la.. :(
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