The night before last night, right after work, we (myself, Rahman, Yusnor & Nita) went to Mashita's new house in Sungai Buluh. We plan to stay overnight there to help her out on her house warming 'kenduri' and her daughter's (Nurul) birthday party.

Starting the day early.. getting ready to cook the meal!
We arrived nearly 11.30pm and nothing has been done yet! Even Zul Johan still not at home buying more things for the kenduri tomorrow. Lucky we was there to help, or else, they have do all this thing by both of them self! We help them to wash and cut the vegetables, do some cleaning, clearing and re-arranging the furniture in the house.. and all was done and ready at 5.30am! We were so damn tired, everybody was flat down on the floor in the living room!!
The next day, Zul Johan woke-up at 6.00am, to buy more food for the kenduri (chicken & meat) and as well to pick-up Mashita's sister, the chef of the day. Yusnoor left the house at 6.30am accompanied by Nita to KLIA to pick-up Izat who just came back from his flight from Chennai. Everybody was starting the day quite early today.. just to make this kenduri and birthday party a success one!
The house warming started by 1.30pm after the jemaah from nearest surau arrived (not so many people.. about 15 of them!) then Mashita and Zul Johan's friends and family started arriving bit by bit. It was a fun day with a lot of small kids around, meeting old friends and new friends! At 4.30pm, birthday party for Nurul started with fun and laughter! She received a lot of gift this year!!
Nurul and her birthday cake! Yummy!!
Since I was working at 5.00pm today, I called the hotel to let them know that I'll be late for work (yeah.. as usual!!)! Gosh, I felt so lazy to go to work.. since many friends was around, I really wish I could spend more fun time with them! Overall, it was a fun and tiring day.. and I was so damn exhausted until I can't stand on the floor anymore now! :(
what a TRUE friend you are helping another friend in need. the cake looks cute. maybe I should use the 'motif' for my daughter's next bday :)
Thanks.. we've been friends for more than 10 years now. And some of us been friends since secondary school until today! I really appreciate the true friendship.
Well, it is fun to do all this in a group.. everything went accordingly to the tasks! Glad I was there to give a hand to Mashita & Zul.
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