Got online at 1.00pm today right after I woke-up from bed, saw Faarhad online and buzzed him. Chatting with him was so much fun trying to catch up each other after a very long years. He had achieved a lot in his life especially in football & futsal, his passion since in school. I still remember, one day he had to walk home from school with a torned school pants.. because of, playing football before the final bell ring. It was so funny! But now, he's a football & futsal coach. Isn't that great?
We had about almost 2 1/2 hours chat today talking about each other life, school day memories and shared a few advises.. I am so glad to have him in my life for the second time around. We were so click! There's a kind of chemistry between us.
His final text before he log out was 'But Ishak, one thing I remember now, is when we used to walk back from school together...' I replied, 'I never forget..'. 'And how much I used to feel so attached to you back then..' he said. I was so touched.. he still remember all the sweet times we had together back then.. :)

Read about u'r memoirs with Farhaad is really exciting. Suddenly memories of our school time poopped up in my mind. How I missed those old days and I still remember u'r intimate relationship with Farhaad and how caring he is with U when we were in school.(he's quite a catch isn't he? He!He!)My advise is...Sometime..when we leave those memories behind, it will come back to us as our history and how we wish to reverse the time to be where those memories belong... but we knew... it couldn't happen...But what we could do is... cherish those memories as our sweet experience towards this challenging life and in the same time we learn that all this time, we didn't realise someone near us is precious untill we lost it.
Yeah.. I agreed with you Nik. But I just couldn't believe it that I still have that special place in his heart.
Nok..tak sangka ko ada laman web! tapi naper pic X- bf ko tu..pecah lobangkan..!! mane pic ko dgn kenkawan masa sekolah.tetap !!! ok hope u will always happy in whatever u do..selamat hari raya.NOK..KENALKAN AKU DGN REMY ISHAK..!!!
Sapa ni? Sham Katak yeh? Eleh.. kau jealouskan sebab Faarhad masih ingat lagi kat aku walaupun dah 17 tahun tak jumpa??
Manakala bekas-bekas korang? Ado??
Nak kenal ngan Remy?? Boleh, tapi apa 'pengerasnya'? Remy mungkin datang rumah aku raya nanti, nak jumpa tak? He.. he.. :)
Ok la,.. nanti aku tulis pasal kawan-kawan sekolah yeh. Tungguuu..!
oi..Gajah capang..!! ko ingat ko diva ker..cinta lama bertaut kembali lagi la..Untuk ketahuan ko..mak dah puas main dgn diaorang tu..tak datang balik pun takper.Sadis citer ko! stakat harapkan kote si Farhad yg kecut tu..buat per!!tapi Mak makan hati kalau ko couple dgn REMY ISHAK. sO, JANGAN LUPA JEMPUT AKU BILA ADA ABG REMY KAT UMAH KO.AKU FAN DIA SKRG,HE,HE..jgn marah & SELAMAT HARI RAYA.
shammyREMY said...
.....Sadis citer ko! stakat harapkan kote si Farhad yg kecut tu..buat per!!
apa benda ni bro....????
apa masalah ko?
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