Nik, Sham, Lokman and Faizul.. have been with them since I was in Standard 6, 12 years old. We've been together in school, been sharing a lot of tips and been sharing secrets among us. But Nik shared the most with me than others. He knew almost every details in my life.. my love and my hate.
Received a comment from Sham, asking me why I didn't have their photo in my blog.. wanna see their picture in the cyber. What a request! Well, to please everybody, I had to dig all my old photo albums! I've downloaded our school picture here. : )
For those who has not seen me in my school uniform before, with my ugly glasses and my terrible hair style.. please do not laugh! I repeat, do not laugh! If you were to laugh, not in front of me ya!
To Sham, I hope you are happy with the picture and as per your request.. sorry we don't have a latest picture together. Hope this is fine with you!
1 comment:
Auwww.... what a shame to see our school pic again in this cyber blogg.Dont listen to Sham, he's really excited to see old pic because he thinks he's 'The Ratu' among us and that's what make him eager forcing U to post our pic in this blogg.. (Jangan marah Sham_siah!!! He!He!)
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