My nieces and nephew are looking forward for the Hari Raya as they will collect a lot, I mean, a lot of 'duit raya' from the relatives. I wish I could be a child each time the raya comes.. that means, I will receive not giving!
Since there are 2 families in the house, both of my bedrooms are occupied, front bedroom for male and the second bedroom is for female. And Syafiqah is having his male friend to celebrate Hari Raya with our family this year..
Reached home at about 1.00am after pick-up my raya cookies from Azizi's house (a gift from Rin.. left over from his friend's cookies stall! Isn't it good to have a friend with benefit?!), my nieces and nephew are still awake.. playing the 'bunga api' (sparkler) and taking pictures. Then, Syafiqah cooked Maggie mee for them.

They really had fun! I haven't played with the firework or sparkler for a long time! The nostalgic childhood treasure hunter that I am nearly lost my footing and my mind is the King Cat sparklers and 'mercun das' that I grew up playing with! They'll forever be a part of my childhood Hari Raya memories. I really wish I could be a small kid again.. if I were to give a chance! :) I bet you guys will too right?
where did you get it from ?
I did not buy the sparkler, got that picture from the net.. he.. he.. :)
I missed playing with the bunga api! Sekarang dah besar, so, no chance at all. Kalau ada chance pun, segan la nak main bunga api lagi!
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