So, kau tatap la puas-puas gambar kat bawah ni yeh.. he.. he.. : )
To all my MOKUL friends, please don't think that I 'gila glamour'.. just to show the pic to Remy's fanatic fan! To Catz Carerra, don't be angry will ya! Anyway, I'm glad to be one of Remy's friend. :)
ooo...mamat nie ke remy..
nak ambik pix i ke..
mane tau i pown jd glamer nanti..
Tak yah la Nazri.. I'm sure you'll never be famous as an artist or actor! But I bet you'll be famous as a Bohjan!! :)
Hai..i'm back!! Makan hati..??? emm..but that picture,Remy looks like 'commercial boy'ha,ha..but now, since been an actor, woah!! His a gorgeous person and 'jejaka kampung idaman Malaya'[Malaysia's sweetheart for gay, pondan and bohsia] he,he... Ok.'s wonderful saturday night we've shared fun together b'coz almost a years we've been not together..but someone has spoiled our hanky-panky on that night..Frustrated u..!! that "desprate house wife tu."..please be prepared for next another occasion with 'the old gang' n don't try to be 'isteri solehah' especially when ur hubby keep calling n calling..ha!ha!ha!
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