Hhmm.. it is so weird now.. John did not speak to me anymore. Why? Any good reason for that?? :( This afternoon, Front Office had a 'makan-makan' for everybody from the cash rewards we won during our Annual Dinner & Dance for Best Department Performance and Best Dress Department. John was there.. and he did not say a word to me at all!! Not even when we're passing each other! :(
I wonder why.. why he did not talk to me at all! It is partly my fault as well I guess, as I did not speak to him and not even smile or look at him. I'm really scared if he might hate me now.. Is it wrong to admired to someone we like? I never do anything bad to him and would never do something bad to him as well. But why this is happening to me??
In the other occasion, I've received a text from Faarhad at 12.20am after a week of silence :) .. it says 'Forgive me, been real busy! Goodnight and sweet dreams'. I did not reply the text.. felt frustrated with him for his 'busyness'! :(
alah siannya....
misunderstanding je kot....
maybe dia ingat kau marah kat dia masa kat cafeteria....kau tegur la dia dulu....
Mmm.. betul gak tu Ayu.. kalau aku jumpa dia hari ni,aku cuba tegur dia. Thanks for your advise!
kalo cheq kenal itu John dah lama cheq masuq campuq
tul tul
cuba tegoq dulu
pastu baru tau
Ish, kau ni Man.. suka nak kacau daun aku tau! :)
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