Last week, I went to the giant Christmas Tree at the hotel lobby.. reading at all the Christmas wishes from kids from the orphan houses.. it really makes me thinking, what would it be if I am one of them? Or my nieces or nephew are one of them? Isn't that sad..? I should do something for them!
Decided to take one of the wishing card that was hanging on the Christmas tree and will buy one of them a Christmas gift. At least, I do a bit of charity here.

The card was from Muhammad Faiz Redzuan (14 years old) from Darul Kifayah Orphanage. He ask for a PMR revision book for Pendidikan Islam and Sejarah.. I felt so sorry for them, they have to beg to study.. meanwhile, we can get anything we want and just ask from our parent. But they don't have anybody.. just begging for a sympathy from others..
Since today is my off day from work, I will go the bookstore and buy the gift. Rahman decided to join me since he will finish his work at 7.00pm. Met Rahman in Berjaya times Square and we took Monorail down to Chinatown.. it was so much fun! :) This was my second time on the Monorail this year!! Serious! :)
Went to Popular Bookstore in Chinatown, it really brings back my memories while in school. Me and Nik used to hang-out here in this bookstore after school! After we had our Longan drink at the corner of the building (we did stopped at the longan stall twice today and had the best longan drink in this whole wide world!!), we proceed to Popular Bookstore.. buying stuff that we don't really need (stationary, books - really need them!, magazines, etc.). Wow.. it has changed a lot here! Not like it used to be!
Managed to get the PMR books that I needed, thanks to my niece for her recommendation of Sasbadi publication. I've wrapped it nicely and will hand it over to the Wishing Tree counter at the lobby tomorrow.. I'm so glad that I decided to be part of this charity event. This is the least that I can do at the moment.. but I have a few ideas now to be more involving myself (and friends) into charity. Hope you guys will support me when I come out with that ideas.. :)
yeh, i strongly agreed with you ! so sad .... hm ... how was the christmas tree ? nice ?
Really sad you know! :(
The first pic is the grand Christmas Tree in Lounge On The Park. It used to be taller than that, but there was a problem while erecting the tree, it falls down at the lobby and broke (and broke the marble as well!!). So they have to cut a bit of the tree and it became a bit shorter now!!
You should see how they been struggling to erect the tree.. when the tree fall down at the lobby, Azian shouted shocking!! :)
Assalamualaikum .. Alhamdulillah .. its been 9 years ago is it ?
My PMR result for this two subject is A . I'm very thankful for that result before. Tonight I found this blog from my fiancee. I'm very shocked. So if you still in KL .. can I meet you for say TQ for your kindness ?
Allah always bless u .
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