I reached KLCC at 1.15pm.. and rushed to Dome Cafe to meet Poh Ling. While having lunch, Poh Ling had surprised me with a Christmas gift.. so sweet of her! She got me a loosen-tummy drink and a supplement tablets (??). But what makes her buying me all those stuff? Am I too obvious? I don't think so! But anyway, thanks for the gift.. I really really appreciate it. And I appreciate our friendship too.
With the gift, she gave me as well a Christmas card.. reading the card makes me wanna cry, the words really touched me. How I was so lucky to have such a good friends.. and it is always pays for being good to someone. But I felt bad not getting anything for Poh Ling, but instead, I treated her the lunch (for the time being!) and will have to get her something!
While at home, each time I looked at the gift I received this afternoon, I really felt bad.. for not have something for Poh Ling. So, decided to drop her a text of thanks and appreciation.. 'Being a good friend is the best gift I ever got from you. I don't ask for return ok! Keeping in touch and keep each other update is good enough. That's what friends are for!' she replied. Awww..
Anyway, I really enjoyed my lunch today with Poh Ling.. we catch-up on few gossips and really had fun! Thanks Allah for blessing me with all my friends.. how am I to live without you guys in my life..
Baiknya dia, susah nak dapat kwn yg memahami skarang nie....yg ada byk yg kebendaan je..oppsss!!!
Lucky kau.E-Shark...God Bless Her
ishak, if u wan get me something in return, get me a xmas card is good enough..ha ha ha.. no big deal k. say it till like a big thing, mmy god!
Kan Ayu.. aku rasa bertuah sangat dapat kawan-kawan ni semua.. berbaloi jadi orang baik.. yang kita dapat dan punya pun baik-baik.. alhamdulillah.. :)
No Poh Ling.. it is a big deal for me didn't get you anything in return.. really, I felt so bad!! I'll get you something soon yeah.. or maybe after New Year (you know why!) ok.
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