Me & My Life..

Friday, May 22, 2009

My Big Day.. (Was Not That Big Though!)

Everybody was wishing me happy birthday at workplace.. so, this is one of the good thing about Facebook when it alert everybody about your birthday. Next you know, you become a star of the day!

A few people also asking me why did I work on my birthday? Hmm.. do I have to announce to everybody if I'm taking or not holiday on my birthday?! What a boring question! But my answer is, 'Oh, I forgot that my birthday is coming.. so it's too late to apply leave!'.. the end!

At work, it was so damn boring.. occupancy is less than 40%, nothing to do, I'm damn cold under the strong aircond above my counter (I'm almost getting a fever!) and I coughed like hell! So, I'd asked for an hour to claim.. at least I'm save from all those things (as the above) that trying to kill me.

Right before I about to leave, Allie trying to stop me with a few chat at the back office.. then the back office was blackout! I was shocked at that time.. thinking if there is a power failure going on! Suddenly, out of nowhere, Mary, Mryna, Allie and Dawina appeared while singing me a birthday song.. and handed me a small chocolate birthday cake lite with candle!

I was touched.. almost cry.. didn't realised that there's people still think about me and remember my birthday. Gosh, I really love all my friends.. and lately, they've been very caring about me..

Anyway, I thank everybody for this speacial moment!

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