It has been a very busy day from as early as 10.00am, getting ready for the performance.. doing the preparation, make-up, last minute prop touch-up and stage blocking. At first, the stage was so wide and we're so happy to have that big space for the performance but, on the day itself, a huge MO Fan was on the stage as a backdrop complete with a few steps of stairs. It makes the stage smaller and we're so worried. We only have a limited space for our performance tonight.. lucky, Moggie had done a last minute stage blocking and it solved all our worries. In fact, it makes us looked more confident and grand on stage! Thanks to our instructor, Moggie, for all his professionalism!

We've made it! This year we managed to keep our title as the champion for Inter-department Performance Competition for the second year! And we also won the Best Dress Department as well. What a night! Front Office had achieved a lot of victory this year, beside than that two titles, Abang Bad won a lucky draw for 37" LCD Panasonic tv, John Ong won a Dell laptop, Michelle won a digital camera and a few other more.
I personally had fun doing the performance tonight. Since most of our dance troupe members are a new comer, we really had that stage fright as well as being so nervous while waiting for our turn to be on the stage! But luck is on our side, everything went smoothly until the end of our performance. We're really satisfied to had made everybody in our department so proud!
All of our department members was so glam with their Cheong Sum dresses and Kungfu style shirts, not forgetting the Shanghai Tai Ko style as well. Mary was so pretty with her gold Cheong Sum with her gold high heels! We also had our a special guests, Poh Ling and Annie. To bad for you Liling, you missed all the fun.

I'm so glad that everything had passed now.. I'm back to my normal life again.. hu.. hu..!! :)
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