smiling.. Looked so cute with his newly cut hairstyle. 'Hello Fatty Bom Bom Sharky..!' he said with his sweetest smile.
I was shocked for a while..! Never thought that he would say that to me.. in person besides in the Facebook. 'I hate you John!!' that's what I said to him. He keep on smiling at me.. Eerrrr geram nyer!! Feel like to bite his nose and chick there and then!!

Then later that day, when each time he saw me, he keep on smiling hoping me to remember the incident this morning.. I really hate you John!! But deep in my heart.. :) .. you're really cute!!
Am I that fat?? Is it too obvious? I admit that I have a bit of those spare tires here and there, and a bit of tummy.. but I don't think so that I am fat. John always teased me saying that I'm fat! How can this happen?? What should I do? :(

While I went for my cigarette break at about 4.20pm, met John again at the smoking area waiting for Tracy. We chat for a moment.. he seems so nice to me, with his golden smiles, jokes, he talked as usual.. he was so cute! But he never talked about my fat anymore.. I wonder, if he scared to tease me face to face? Or he just trying to hide his devil from me? Hhmmm.. I will not gonna let him tease me again with that Fatty Bom Bom Sharky word anymore.. no more! I'll try to do something about it.. to let him see that I'm not fat!!

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