With curious, I picked up the call.. 'Hi, what are you doing?' Poh Ling asked me. 'I'm about to go to bed, are you OK?' I replied. 'See the Facebook now, Chris Yee uploaded the pictures of Yvonne's wedding just now.. John was there and he was so cute!!' she said. 'Annie went to that wedding dinner and that is what she told me.. check it out!' she continue her conversation. 'Really? But it will take time for me to on my laptop to see the pictures, probably tomorrow la..' I replied her. 'But if you check-out the Facebook, I guess you'll have a better sleep tonight.. ha.. ha..!' teasing me.
Then she continue talking about John, Annie told her that they agreed John are cuter than William.. never know that these girls are into John.. and William too!! :) What the hell is going on? Why suddenly everybody talks about John and William? For me, I like John even more.. but William is just not my type. I feels that John is more gentleman and funny, have a great smile and personality. Meanwhile, William is handsome but a bit to soft and more feminine look on him.. just not my type!! :) I'm so into John!! He is just my kind of guy! :)

I went out of my bed and went to my living room to on my laptop.. I have to check out the Facebook! I must check-out the album! It worth checking-out.. John was so cute in Chris Yee Facebook album which she just uploaded half an hour ago. John really looked so gentleman!! Gosh.. his girlfriend was the luckiest girl in this world (and I'm the unluckiest one!!) to have him as a boyfriend.. a lot of good things I heard about John towards to his girlfriend. She really so lucky!!
This afternoon, I'm taking a short break at the reading room in Bridge Club. I saw John was sleeping on the sofa, while waiting for 6.00pm to meet the rest for the wedding dinner. I quietly sit on the sofa next to him and watch him sleeping.. while reading a newspaper. A lot of fantasy playing in my head.. he was so cute in his sleep too! Mmm.. why I'm so into him? Why I have this kind of feelings? Why me?? Why him??
It's 2.30am now, have to go to bed.. and what Poh Ling said earlier really works! I think I will have a better sleep now.. And yes Poh Ling, I have to write this blog before I go to bed! :)

omg .... u're so crazy over him ... hhahahha
Hhmm.. need me to explain more?
He's a very nice guy you know.. how I wish to have this kind of man to become my boyfriend..!
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