When I and Azian entered the cafeteria this evening, I saw John was sitting at our usual table with Michelle and Selvi. Azian went straight to the buffet counter (she always hungry once she entered the cafeteria!!), I went straight to the table to hang my jacket on the chair.. while looking and smiling at Michelle and Selvi, asking them on how's the food today! John was smiling at me, but I ignored him.. just like he's not exist there.
After I pick-up my food, I sat in front of John and start eating and talking to Michelle, Azian and Selvi.. ignoring John again! He was so pissed-off, he kept quite and finished his food.. he was playing with his mobile and made his move without saying anything! Not even look back at the table or smile at us!! He was so pissed-off.. it was a success for me to pay him a revenge.
It all began from his comments in my Facebook yesterday and it was like this..

"Hehehe..wah..tengok tu..muka monyet!!! Zoo mana ni.."

John commented on Ishak Hussain's photo.
"Sexy ke..pui..Penting ke..ka pui pui..Cantik ke.." I purposely did not make notice of his existence this evening.. just to let him know that how I don't like all his comments that he posted the night before. Thank god he understood, from my body language and my acting towards him.. Just want to know what will he re-act on this!
At about 12.00am, I checked my Yahoo! Mail and saw another comments from John in my Facebook. Can't wait to check it out! This is what he had posted..

John commented on Ishak Hussain's photo.
"Aiyoh.. dah marah ke.. Nampak I buat tak kenal je.."I was so happy that he noticed my reaction. Well John, I did not mad at you.. you're too cute to be mad at! :) It is just a stupid reaction that I would love you to notice from me.. Luv you John!! :)
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