Everybody is talking about Rihanna Concert that will be held in Kuala Lumpur on 13th February.. Zahir had bought tickets earlier to avoid any disappointment, and Fuad too. Then I heard Zarith and his group bought it as well! Then I was thinking, should I waste my money for the concert? I still need to save more money for my Bali trip in June (the idea was to shop until I drop!!), I've plan to buy a new iPod station for my room (in my previous blog.. from Panasonic, with tuner, CD player, USB port and iPod dock) and to buy a HP printer/scanner.
Then I was thinking, should I miss the fun that I might have with all my friends in the concert? I'm sure not gonna miss that too!! So, with a heavy heart.. I bought the concert ticket. But on the other hand, I am so happy to have bought it, cause I will have a lot of fun in the concert.
I can't remember when was the last time I went to this kind of big event.. I guess about 4 to 5 years back. I really missed the crowd!! So, anybody who had bought the concert ticket, do let me know.. so we can plan to go to the concert together-gether!!
It's gonna be fun!! :)
I've already save money to buy a ticket earlier,but.......my kids no one take care of them :(, never mind....upload byk2 foto nanti..aku tumpang tengok ye......
Sedih......dah la aku minat gila kat dia..letak nama anak pun ala-ala nama dia hua..hua....hua....Sedih..sedih..
La.. kesian nyer kau tak dapat join kita orang.. mesti happening malam tu! Apa kata, suruh Madan ambik cuti jaga anak?? Then, you boleh gie concert tengok Rihanna?? Good idea?
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