Me & My Life..

Monday, August 9, 2010

Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Victoria Tower on Castle Hill & Woolley Edge (day 4)

Slept a bit late last night.. I have to wait for my medicine time at 3.00am (UK time and 10.00pm Malaysia time). While waiting, I managed to upload a few albums in Facebook. Got-up at about 8.00am today, Joe was saying something to Anthony.. not sure what it is all about. But I'm sure, this is about his plan to take us around.. what's the plan for today?

While smiling, Joe told us to get ready.. 'No need to shower, just brush your teeth, eat breakfast and we will go to Yorkshire Sculpture Park today!' he said. Hmm.. I was like, 'Ok..!'. Joe was saying 'No one will look at us.. we'll be in the jungle the whole day today.. looking at the sculptures, the sheep and if we're lucky, we'll have a chance to meet with Mr Rabbit there! I know you will love this place.'

Without further due, we had our cereal and coffee and getting ready to leave home. 'Wear something comfortable, we will do a lot of walking in the park.' he told us and I grabbed by Timberland hiking boots and off we go.

Approaching the area..

Yorkshire Sculpture Park is located about 15 minutes drive Old Mount Farm, Woolley. An open air area about 500 acres where an exhibition of sculpture and displays of landscaped and grounds.. kind like an open-air art gallery so called.

What a sculpture!

With the sheep..

Enjoying the scenery..

Besides that sculpture and displays, they are also ground for sheep and cows.. I believe, someone must had taking care of them. I was so excited to see plenty of those 'kambing biri-biri' and 'hairy cows' there. Taking photo with these animals is fun. Well, this sight could never been seen here in our country.. so I was a bit of 'jakun'! Ha.. ha..

With the wild Poppies..

Walking in the jungle..

People here like to a walk in the park with their dog and this kind of places become very popular among the locals. They even walk in the jungle and there's a lot of walking path in the jungle.. very relaxing.

The dog posing for my camera.. Cute!

After we had discovered most for the area here (by foot!), we went to the Art Gallery and the current exhibition by David Nash, art exhibition made from wood.. which is quite interesting. After about an hour being an 'art pro', we had our light brunch at YSP Cafe while enjoying watching the people here.

Just like a pro!

.. and this is the result! Not bad huh?!

Art Gallery exhibit pieces from Davis Nash..

Relaxing after a long walk in the park..

Before we heading home for dinner, we stopped by at the Victoria Tower on Castle Hill that was built in 1899 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Queen Victoria's reign. It perched on a steep hill overlooking the industrial town of Huddersfield in the Kirkless of West Yorkshire. Standing over 900 feet above sea level dominates the local landscape, providing spectacular windswept view and we had captured it in our cameras. Then we off back home for dinner..

The Victoria Tower on Castle Hill..

The view from Castle Hill..

Anthony had repaired us some BBQ dinner and as usual Joe with his well known salad to start with. Had fun chit-chatting at the back yard and taking more pictures. After dinner, Joe took us to Waterton Park Hotel and Walton Hall, a gracious Georgian Mansion on an island surrounded by its own lake for picture taking and to Woolley Edge to experience the sunset to end the 4th day here in Wakefield..

BBQ dinner at the back yard..

Joe's best salad..

Having a laugh while dinner.. it was so much fun!

Enjoying our BBQ dinner..

At the iron bridge of Waterton Park Hotel and Walton Hall..

Sunset at Woolley Edge..

That's all for today..

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