My text messages that was sent to
Faarhad yesterday afternoon and this afternoon, only got the reply at 10.55pm today! I was so pissed-off thinking about the 'busyness' of some individual and not be able to reply text messages.. but somehow, while that 'busyness', they be able to have breakfast, lunch or dinner or taking a shower! Mm..??
Well, text messages can also be replied while having poo, right? So, there's no excuse at all! It will only take less than a minute to press the mobile buttons to create a message and finally just pressing OK button to send it! Very simple!! Right??
My text messages conversation with
Faarhad (that made me pissed-off at that time!):
FAARHAD : Hi. Hey I'm very sorry, I've just got a few minutes spared right now to reply you. I was actually filling-up the database for all the coaches in Malaysia right now. Pity you, you're boring today at home huh? How are you doing?
ME : I'm OK.. been waiting for your reply since yesterday, finally, I got your reply! Not working today and was so bored at home doing nothing. I'm not even go out anywhere today! Me, right now having my dinner in Burger King at
Karak Highway alone.
Lerr. Burger King?
Mmm.. interesting, it's OK if you're alone or not, but yum yum! Hungry la.. he.. he.. Yesterday, I was so busy with
Pesta Bola Merdeka from noon till night. Yesterday morning was busy preparing the documents for my presentation. Today went for a briefing for 4B
futsal in
JBS Kampung Pandan till noon. Then I rushed to
Kelana Jaya for a meeting. That
JBS Kampung Pandan is a good news for me caused the programme will be until February 2009, and they are paying well. I was very busy!
Hmm.. I will let you know about Proton meeting later, it was a long story. Hey,
what are you having there in Burger King?
ME : Mm.. it's OK, you're too busy to know what I'm having here. Take care.
FAARHAD : Seriously, sorry. Well actually I got a few spare minutes now until I feel sleepy.
ME : It's OK, I know that you're so busy. Just carry on with whatever that you're doing!
FAARHAD : :-s OK. And I'm sorry for that. Take care too. Goodnight.
ME : And don't forget to eat and take your shower while you having your spare time now. Who knows, you might not have a time to eat and taking shower caused you're too busy!
FAARHAD : :-s I get the message. Sorry I troubled you..
ME : What-e-
ver!! :s
15 minutes later.. I felt to guilty to have said that to him. I regret it! Have to apologize to him.. I don't want to loose him again!
ME : Hey, I'm sorry. I shouldn't say that.. I don't mean it. Sorry..
FAARHAD : It's OK. I can't do anything about me at this moment. I'm sorry too..
ME : I don't know why I was so emotional today! Sorry again.. I know I should have understand you and your work. But sometimes, I do things without thinking twice. I'm sorry.. I had a bad experience with someone that was so busy just like you. So, I don't want to repeat the same mistake again..
FAARHAD : It's OK.. I don't mean to troubled you. I'm really sorry too.
ME : You didn't troubled me, it is just me that had been troubling you all this while. That is why, I have to think a few times before sending you a text caused you're busy. But, when each time I think of you, my hand will automatically sending the text to you. I'm sorry again.. I really missed you..
FAARHAD : We'll meet up soonest possible. Not meeting a close friend after 17 years, I missed you too.
Insya-Allah, we'll plan for the meeting ya. OK, I'm sleepy now. Goodnight. Take care :)
ME :
Nite.. thanks for replying me.
FAARHAD : It's alright.. It's OK.
ME : OK, you should take a rest now.. you must be very tired today.
Nite nite!
Huh..! I was so emotional today.. I don't know why! Probably, I missed him too much? Or, just asking for his attention? Or, I really need to have someone to be with right now? Well, I've been thinking about him a lot these few days. Maybe, I'm sick of thinking about it!! Am I..?